Meet Our Trainers
Kevin Gaspar

Kevin started to show does when he was 14 through the Waukesha Co. 4H program. He has achieved multiple specialty placements and wins in the show ring as well as grand championships on a variety of different breeds. As an instructor, Kevin feels it's important to lead with your heart and to understand that dogs are not robots- so make sure training is fun!
Jeri El Dissi

Jeri began showing dogs in 1968 and was a top Jr. Handler by 1971. She has won over 38 "Best in Shows" on 12 different breeds. Jeri is a Handler part-time and worked in pet supplies for 30 years. She's been a member of the WKC since the early 1970s, is a certified CGC and STAR Puppy instructor, and has handled almost 70 difference AKC breeds to points or Championships. Jeri's life is all about dogs.
Cathy Pollack

Cathy started in conformation classes in 1985 and by 1989 was showing and breeding Akitas. More recently, she has been breeding and establishing a rare breed, the Finnish Lapphund. Cathy has a MA in Education and enjoys sharing her love of dogs with other like-minded dog-lovers. She has been involved in breeding and showing dogs with the AKC for over 35 years.
Janet Bodin

Janet has been exhibiting dogs at AKC conformation events since 1976, starting with Rottweilers and moving to Pembroke Welsh Corgis. She has been a member of the WKC since 1992 and also belongs to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America and believes that dogs learn by repetition and reward and that making classes fun is essential to helping dogs feel good about a job well done. Janet is an AKC approved judge for herding breeds and all breed junior Showmanship.
Shelby Naab

Shelby has been a professional dog trainer for 4 years in her daily life, and volunteers with WKC as a training instructor. Her breed is the Cane Corso and she joined the club to share her love for pure bred dogs!
Betsy Orman

Betsy has been in Pembroke Welsh Corgis for over 25 years and owner-handles her own dogs to their championships as well as group and specialty wins. She is an AKC herding breed judge and believes a confident, happy dog will show off their best assets quickly. Betsy currently serves on the WKC Board and, in her opinion, the WKC is one of the best conformation experiences available as it very closely replicates a true show rehearsal.
Valerie Black

Valerie's breed is the Berger Picard. She took handling classes through the WKC after being persuaded to exhibit her rare breed, and the people she met were so wonderful and encouraging it gave Valerie the courage to compete. She currently serves on the WKC Board and helps instruct conformation classes hoping to pass on tips she received that helped her along the way.
Martin Koenig

Martin teaches conformation, companion, and fit dog classes. He owns and competes with his Cane Corso and Belgian Mlinois. His dogs hod titles in AKX, IPO/IGP, and Mondioring. Martin continues to compete in obedience and protection sport nationally and internationally, and most recently competed in the FBB Mondioring World Championship. He believes that working performance dogs should represent sound confirmation and temperament consistent with breed standards and enthusiastically supports novice handlers.
Paula Spiering

Paula's breed is the English Setter and she has owned both field type and bench style. In 1999, Paula competed in her first show and has 5 championships under her belt. Paula also breeds and judges English Setters and enjoys sharing what she has learned showing her own dogs for the last 20+ years.
Jennifer Stagg

Jennifer has produced and owner-handled multiple group winning and group placing Australian Shepherds since her first litter in 1999. She has also produced dogs that have gone on to conformation, obedience, rally, and agility titles as well as 2 service dogs. Jennifer enjoys teaching Junior Showmanship and has been involved in 4H as a trainer for over 10 years. She seeks to encourage and strengthen the bond between owner and dog so both can enjoy their work together!
Diane Cocos

Diane's life has been surrounded by purebred dogs as her father, Charles Prager, was a professional dog handler and AKC DOG Judge. Diane owns Champion Berger Picards and has been the Chief Ring Steward for Waukesha Dog Shows. She is currently on the WKC Board and looks forward to meeting you and your dogs and working with you on ring conformation.
Donna Schmitt

Donna has been teaching group dog training for over 25 years. She is certified through the CCPDT and works as a field representative/trainer for Paws with a Cause, a nonprofit that provides assistance dogs for people with disabilities. Donna's dogs have earned titles in conformation, obedience, rally, rallyfree, tricks and stunt dogs.
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